Members – Please Take Action
National AREA is requesting that all AREA members take time to reach out to their political representatives to express concern about the change to base access for DoD civilian personnel. Some of you may not live or travel near a military installation, but this issue is important to all retirees. Retiree benefits depend on the health of the Exchange. Retirees can make a difference if we all work together.
Base Access – REAL ID
The Department of Defense (DoD) discontinued the issuance of new Civilian Retiree Identification (ID) cards as of the memorandum dated February 17, 2023, with previously issued CAC ID cards expiring on August 31, 2023. This decision was influenced by advancements in installation security access control systems and the implementation of the REAL ID Act. The termination of the DoD Civilian Retiree ID cards does not affect any benefits or privileges that DoD civilian retirees currently enjoy, including access to certain morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) and Exchange facilities as authorized by installation commanders. To access DoD installations, individuals must now present an acceptable credential, such as a REAL ID Act-compliant ID or driver’s license and verify their fitness and purpose for entry as outlined in Volume 3 of DoD Manual 5200.08, “Physical Security Program: Access to DoD Installations.” These new requirements ensure the security of DoD installations while accommodating essential access for authorized personnel.
DoD Manual 5200.08 VOLUME 3, “PHYSICAL SECURITY PROGRAM: ACCESS TO DOD INSTALLATIONS → SECTION 5: ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF IDENTIFICATION → 5.1. ACCEPTABLE CREDENTIALS. → a. Credentials Acceptable at non-ePACS-Enabled DoD installations” establishes the forms of identification that are permitted for general base access. Though, it is recommended to check with the local installation access office before visiting for that local installation’s acceptable forms of identification. Installations have varying missions and therefore sometimes set differing access rules. Installation commanders are authorized to adjust based on local force protection requirements.