To join National AREA,
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Complete the Membership Application, fillable on-line, and print then mail it, along with your dues, to the address on the form.
Why Join National AREA
The Army & Air Force Exchange Service Retired Employees Association (AREA) is a non-profit organization established in 1975. AREA is for retirees of the Army & Air Force Exchange Service and active employees with an interest in the retiree community. AREA consists of the National organization and over 20 local chapters across the United States.
The Army & Force Exchange Service Retiree Association (AREA) was established in 1975 with the purpose of the association to continue the friendships and associations that had been made during Exchange careers. AREA has grown since it was established becoming a world-wide organization with many local chapters that provide the more social aspects of AREA with National focusing on issues important to the Exchange retiree community and to support our Exchange family. Your support at the National level is critical to ensure AREA, national and local, continues as a viable organization.
The AREA Scholarship Program was established in 1985, at the National level, and has provided scholarships to graduating high school seniors planning to attend an accredited college, university, or one of the US military academies for undergraduate studies. Children of active Exchange associates, to include assigned military, that are members of National AREA are eligible. Each year National AREA endeavors to issue $40,000 in scholarships. This program is supported by the efforts of the National AREA and your donations. Donations to the Scholarship Fund are approved as tax deductible.
Over the years, our Exchange family has experienced financial difficulties caused by disasters such as wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. In 1999 the Exchange Emergency Relief Program was established in partnership between AREA-National and the HQ Exchange. When HQ Exchange activates the relief program, AREA-National goes into action. It sets up the required accounts and administers the program. Once activated, the relief program is funded solely by your donations. Your donations to the Emergency Relief Program are IRS-approved as tax-deductible.
Developed in 1979, the Community Service Award Program recognizes Exchange retirees and associates who make unselfish efforts to improve their communities’ economic, civic, and social health. Information about how AREA-National administers this program, and the nomination process, is published on the AREA website. Recognition of AREA members’ community involvement and impact is at the heart of this program. Joining a local chapter can provide members with an excellent avenue for community involvement.
AREA-National also supports the Exchange retiree family through Advocacy and Communication. From time to time, issues arise that could impact the Exchange retiree community.
- AREA provides a strong voice for members to the Exchange, Department of Defense (DoD), or Congress on proposals that will impact the retiree community. The National level ensures the community is aware when these issues arise. The strength of that voice depends on a large and growing number of members.
- Communication with the National membership ensures an informed membership regarding issues directly impacting the retiree community. Your membership participation and support of AREA-National ensures these communications can continue.
Join your National and Chapter level organizations! To join a local Chapter, click here to find the closest Chapter, and reach out to the contact identified.
Contact the National AREA by email at or by mail at:
National AREA & Scholarship Fund
2303 RR 620 S Suite 160-105
Austin TX 78734