The application submission period begins January 1, 2025, and ends March 21, 2025.
Completed applications with required documentation must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee by email no later than the application deadline following the Application Instructions for submission. Time extensions are not normally made. The eligibility of each applicant will be reviewed and validated. It is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure that all required information is received, in the desired format per the instructions, by the Scholarship Committee before noon (1200) United States Central Standard Time March 21, 2025.
As they are received, each application and corresponding documentation are reviewed for eligibility.
Each eligible applicant’s file is forwarded to Scholarship Committee members. The members score applications according to the ranking factors outlined in the AREA Scholarship Application Instructions. Scores are aggregated by applicant and ranked to determine awards. Awards are made from highest to lowest scores until the number of board-approved awards is met.